Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008 is almost over, so...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I am not the perfect girl.
I am not easy, or easy to get ahold of.
I am a challenge, and I make myself that way.
I will not tell you what you want to hear.
I will not give in easily, and let you win.
I am not what most people want in a friend or a girlfriend.
I am nothing like the girls that are never lonely, the girls that always have boyfriends, the girls that have all of the friends in the world.
I am NOTHING like them.
But, I do have one power that many of them do not possess.
I have the power to love with every bit of intensity that I have. I have the power to give and give and give, but rarely ever receive. I have the power to fall in love with new acquaintances almost instantly, even if they will not remember my name the next time I see them. I have the power to drop everything in order to make someone else happy. I have the power to always love, and never hate.
Do you have that power?
Chances are, you don't.
You rush into relationships, emotional or physical, merely because of your own loneliness and desperation. Sure, I have been lonely and desperate, more than you will ever know, but I have NEVER rushed into a relationship on those terms. You allow yourself to be put into these pointless relationships, not because of love, but because you are bored. I will never do this. I am still waiting for the good relationships, because I am convinced they are more than just a band aid for mutual loneliness.
I will only give my heart to those I feel are worth it.
I have so much faith in people, and one of these days, someone is going to have the same faith in me as I do in them.
And that will be the day that I win, and you lose.
Because I never settle unless it's worth it.
I never give in without full faith and trust in that person.
I don't waste my time on people who aren't worth my love.
And because of that, I will be happy.
I will be happy once someone loves me with the same intensity and same amount of heart that I love each and every person I let into my life with.
I may not be perfect, and I may not be the girl that everyone loves automatically, but I have so much love that I am willing to give, and soon, somebody will realize that.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
1001 Lists To Make Before You Die

When I spent the summer of 2007 in Portland, Oregon with my cousins, I came to the conclusion that I HATED lists. They had them plastered all over the house and in notebooks scattered about, and I could not deal. At the end of their lists, I would add my own personal addition: STOP MAKING LISTS. Needless to say, they never stopped. Their birthday and holiday cards to me in the future were in the form of lists, just to piss me off. It annoyed me for awhile, until I realized that I actually loved lists.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I am ready to be alone.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
It might seem like a dream, but it's real to me.
I had a dream once that still haunts me to this day, almost a year later. I have no idea why this particular dream has stayed in my mind for this long, but I can tell it to people almost as if it actually happened. Sometimes, I wish it had actually happened. It's one of those dreams where it hurts to wake up, because you want it to be true. It never is.
In this dream, a boy picked me up early one Saturday morning to drive to Boston. Along the way, we listened to popular 90's songs and sang along to ever song. We were driving on the Thruway and we stopped at every rest stop that we came across. At one of the first rest stops, he bought me a pair of huge glasses as a joke. I never took them off, and we continued driving.
By nightfall, we realized that we never even made it to Boston. We made it to Massachusetts, but we never made it to our destination. It didn't matter, though. I don't even know why we were going there in the first place. I think we just decided on it, because it seemed like a nice place to go. But instead of continuing on, we ate at a diner and then turned around and continued towards New York.
On the drive home, he played Jimmy Eat World songs and I sang along with my head to the window. I ended up falling asleep and at one point, I woke up, realizing that we were stopped on the side of the road. "The World You Love" was playing and he let it play really loud as he led me out of the car into the dark field. He told me to close my eyes, and he led me behind a set of trees and then let me open my eyes. Standing before us was a carousel, full of blue lights and broken down horses. It was running, but it seemed as though no one had been there for awhile. We stood there for a little while, not talking, but just watching. Then we decided it was time to go back.
I slept the rest of the way home. When I woke up, the sun was rising and I was in my driveway. He told me he was leaving for good, but that he loved me and that he always would. He kissed my forehead, and I got out of the car and watched him drive away. I went into my room, and threw the glasses he bought me across the room. They didn't shatter or even crack. They just fell to the floor, defeated, but not broken. I didn't cry, because I figured he would be back. He was such a liar. I would never let him leave me. He would be back, no matter what he said.
Then I woke up.
I finally did make it to Boston, in real life at least, because it's where I go to school. Funny thing is that I had this dream before I got accepted here. I had this dream back when I had absolutely no hope that I was going to get in.
As for the boy, he never really had an identity. He reminds me of a lot of people that I know, none of which are in love with me. He's a combination of everything I tend to like in a person, and I think that's why he was there. No one has ever left me like he did in the dream, so I don't really understand where all of that comes from.
The one thing I learned from this dream is that if I ever meet anyone like that, I won't let them go. That kind of happiness is worth fighting for, even if it is short lived. I'm in love with the concept and idea of him and the dream. I've never wanted a dream to be real, until I had this one.