Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gran Torino.

I finally got around to watching this today. It was such a great and inspiring movie. I'm still pretty overwhelmed from it, but despite the sad nature of the ending, it was the only true way to end it. It really proved that there is always good in people, and that you cannot just judge someone without getting to know them. This movie is making me think far too much for my own good, but I recommend it to anyone. Amazing movie. I'm disappointed that it was pretty much overlooked for the Oscars. Clint Eastwood deserves so much recognition for this movie, and not just for his acting.

1 comment:

Dominique L said...

my friends make so much fun of this movie for various of reasons, but all of them say its really good. still, the jokes never end during English class.
they're guys so they sure know some stuff about movies [: