Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I've moved.
i finally figured out commenting on there, and it's much easier, so I will posting on there from now on.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
-Charles Bukowski
I have nothing to say really, except that quote pretty much sums up my entire experience in this life.
I want this next month to be over, not so I can go home and leave Boston and leave school, but so I can get away from everyone's negativity.
It's so hard to be in place you know is almost perfect for you, when literally everyone you become friends with hates everything about it.
Soon enough, you become exhausted of trying to make everyone happy, and I am at that point.
But I hope all of these people find what they are looking for. They deserve it.
I, on the other hand, need to stop trying to save everyone.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
[insert title here]
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Have Love Will Travel

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Current Obsessions.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Geek Love.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Love Love, Kiss Kiss
It's black and white, except the blood's a little richer
Down in the corner where I gave it my signature
Then I titled it, "This one's for the winter"
Check it out you see it's just a big disaster
I'll dedicate it to the fact that it's so hard for you to dream
A million heartbeats all around you make it hard to sleep
It doesn't help you're freezing in your bed, your blankets aren't enough
All you want is someone there, and all you say is, "So what"
Love love, kiss kiss... blah blah blah
You're making me sick, I wish you'd just stop showing off
For the rest of us that no one wants to love
It's hard enough trying to drink another winter all alone
Love love, kiss kiss... blah blah blah
Well do you find you like to fall in love with people that you're never gonna meet?
It's easier than breaking up and crying in the street
Do you curse the happy couple? Do you cringe at wedding bells?
Do you drink up all the punch while you wish 'em all to hell?
Monday, February 9, 2009
100 Songs. (pt. 2)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
100 songs. (pt. 1)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Secret: Day 38.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Boston Bands.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
there's a black hole in the shadow of the pru.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Gran Torino.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Two things that make me very happy today.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Recommend me some music.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
leave home.
leave familiar.
leave the course you're on because you never wanted to be there in the first place.
leave him.
leave her.
leave because they don't appreciate your love, now do they really?
and with each passing day you slowly lose your shine
your glow
your spark
your fight
your heart.
you talk about it all the time.
just fucking leave...
and find yourself.
- christopher gutierrez.
I don't know where I am my happiest anymore. I love Boston, don't get me wrong. I love it so much. I think that it is a great city and a great place to gain experience. But, I miss home. I miss my friends. I don't have many friends there. No one that reminds me of home. The only time I ever really feel like myself in that city is when I'm alone, wandering around or just sitting in my room. Except for maybe two people, no one really makes me feel like I do when I'm home. I don't really trust anyone there, but that's not really different from here. I really wish I could open up to people there, but it's just so hard. Maybe I haven't met the right people, but I hope I do soon. I watch that place slowly destroy everyone, and I feel like we could all be happier if we just found what we were looking for.
But I think my problem is much larger than that.
I don't think I can sit still. I need to get out and see so much more than just Boston. I want to go back to the Oregon coast. I want to go to Europe. I want to travel around with good friends in cars and just see as much as possible. I enjoy not sleeping. I love laughing at nothing and sing alongs with complete strangers.
I am my happiest when I am a bit of a mess.
I need this education. But I also need to get out and meet new people and see new things, because my wandering mind has no use for me sitting in lonely dorms and classrooms with kids only concerned with getting to the top.
I don't want to get to the top.
I just want to be happy.
And once I can rid myself of this routine, I will be off running.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Things To Do Before I (Die).
Bring Me Your Love Tonight.

Thursday, January 8, 2009
we are attracted to this for a reason. in the beginning it all seems so clear but after time so many of us lose sight. the image gets smudged by back-stabbing, scene points, who got to the barricade first, list spots, message board drama, backstage passes and name dropping.
don't you remember why you wanted this? when it was more than music. when it was a fight. and not a fight against your parents and the kids at school or even the popular radio dance crap you hear day in and day out. when it was about a real fight...the fight to save yourself from yourself.
see, this isn't about that hot and sweaty feeling of being smashed in a sea of a thousand people or playing dress up for the show or winking at the bass player or impressing boys or girls or bands or security guards or getting on tour busses...
it's about being alone in your room with headphones on and feeling it so hard it brings tears to your eyes.
its about driving home alone at night and screaming at the top of your lungs to words that at that moment in the world, only you understand.
its about not being scared anymore.
its about the refusal to sit on a couch and rot.
its about forcing yourself out the door to be productive.
and its about wanting to live so hard you just know you're going to shred this world or go out trying.
-christopher gutierrez
Sometimes, I forget why I'm here. I forget why I go to this school, why I learn what I learn, why I go to shows, why I'm living this life. I end up complaining about the people or the homework or the silly little things, that I really end up forgetting that I love this and that I would do anything to make all of this mine.
Some people here look at me like I'm here for the wrong reasons. I think they question my intentions, which is understandable considering I am a girl and most girls in my situation are in it for all the wrong reasons. But I do love this more than anything. Yes, I am a girl, but no I am not a slut trying to get with guys in bands. Yes, I stand in the back during most shows, but not because I don't care. I have permanent nerve damage, and the littlest bump could fuck it up even more. But the funny thing is is that that injury is why I'm here in the first place. And as I sit here with another potential fracture in the same arm that changed everything, I am reminded why I am here.
I am so appreciative of everything that has happened to me in the past few years. My injury, the shows, the friends, this school. I'm a better person for it. But there are days when I question all of it. It's not because I'm unhappy, but I am just discontent with how I am using up my time.
I owe it to myself to make these situations better for myself. I will make something out of all of these experiences. And I say this because I care about it. The music is why I'm here, and a few bad days will not make me want to give it all up. I don't know anything else better in this world, and I'm determined to stay and make the most of it.